The main method in Notifico is:
POST /api/v1/event/send
It will create AMQP message, send it to broker, and then run the pipeline for the corresponding event.
"event": "event_name",
"recipient": {
// This ID will be used for List-Unsubscribe and other features.
// It is recommended to store it in an external system and use the same ID for the same Recipient.
"id": "3766b9e9-a700-4c75-a9c9-88117af11767",
"contacts": [
// Telegram uses "Chat ID" for identifying users in its Bot API.
// You cannot use usernames or phone numbers here.
"type": "telegram",
"chat_id": 123456789
// This can be used for SMS or WhatsApp communication.
"type": "mobile_phone",
"number": "+123456789"
// This is Email. You know what it is.
// Address format can be "Anyone <anyone@example.com>"
"type": "email",
"address": "someone@example.com"
// This is your context, that is passed to templating engine.
"context": {
"variable": 102